
Financial Strength...
when you need it most
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Surveys Are For Cancer Patients Only

LIFETRUST believes that our clients are the best source of understanding the financial impact that a diagnosis of cancer has on the patient and their family.

For this reason, we have developed a group of surveys for you to share your experiences anonymously with us, your fellow cancer patients, caregivers, families and survivors.

Please choose the survey that you most closely identity with:

  • The cancer patient currently in treatment, survivor with no ongoing treatment, patient beyond treat to cure or on palliative care only.
    Cancer Patient/Survivor Survey
    (please click to open the file; complete the survey and submit)
  • Professionals who are involved in the care and well-being of cancer patients and their families
    COMING SOON! (please click to open the file; complete the survey and submit)
  • Full or part-time caregivers that are related (family member) or friends to a cancer patient.
    COMING SOON! (please click to open the file; complete the survey and submit)

Financial, assistance, cancer, help, terminally ill, terminal, stage, treatment, affordable, bills, money, medicine, means, chemo, alternative, cash advance, loc, line of credit, loans, policy, settlement, life, insurance, viatical, funding, fifth season financial, LILOC